Hidden cube

by silviana amethyst
Winter 2023-24

Uses two colors, and illustrates the duality of the cube and regular octohedron.

  • One color (darker, pink) forms the vertices of a cube.
  • The other color (brighter, blue) presents an octohedron in the nodes that join the six grouphs of two pieces.

I printed these in glow in the dark!!!

Stacks Image 137

A graph of the symmetry generated in PlantUML. Colors are letters, number of plugs is numbers. If there are more than one of a number in a color, there's a suffix behind an underscore.

Stacks Image 147

An interactive graph generated in Plotly Graph Objects. Takes a bit to load.

I used the same file for the PlantUML graph above for the interactive graph below. I used Python's networkx library to compute the spectral_layout of the graph, and plotly to put markers at the vertices with cones for the arrows. Yes, I know it could be better, I'm frustrated with it, too. But as of 2023-12-26, plotly.graph_objects doesn't allow uniform sizing of Cones. Bummer, right?!?

And yes, I could use another piece of software, but I'm practicing with plotly right now, k? I teach data science courses and need to continually improve my skills in plotting libraries, and graph_objects is pretty new at this moment.